Oh dear, we have a problem or 37 !
For the next few months I am going to have to store most of my gear and bunk in at a smaller place with my Fiance, Janette, her kids and my son. No Garage nor "Modelling room" is available.
So no layout building will be possible .
I have decided that rather than just let things stagnate, I shall not let time be wasted but, build some of my over 200 unbuilt kits, do some basic point work on 12 mm Plyboard and do the electrics etc for them. I also intend building a few structures such as Station buildings and some small Diorama type buildings .
I have wanted to do a standard SA Housing Trust "fibro" or 2, same as Housing Commission types in Victoria and NSW. I have taken a few photos, while in S.A. and will use them as guides. I will do each house as it stands on a Lot- but a fair bit scaled down, with Garages/car ports/ out buildings etc as well as some lawn, bushes, etc etc.
I may also do a few trees, using the wire armature and Goo method, especially a few Gum trees of various types as found in South Australia. These types are mainly - to my old eyes - Scribbly bark and Box Gum. Red gums do not seem to be at all common in S.A. . Scribbly bark gum is a light grey main colour, with a mid brown as the "scribble". Other trees that I may attempt are the occasional Elm types and I may experiment on some Oaks as well.
Kits I intend to build will be photographed and shown here in later posts. They include some more M vans, ALX both VR and SAR types ( BGB) a few Y trucks and a few VR 4 wheel and bogie type . I also have 4 unbuilt OCY conflat kits, that I will build up as SAR FQX with minor modifications. I have a fair few carriage kits to do also, so that should keep my tiny mind occupied as well as keep me from mischeif.
To Other things:
Last weekend I had the honour of hosting the 2nd ALBURY- WODONGA Rail Staff REUNION. It went well with a few surprises as well as a few non starters. I have had a bit of feedback and next year's one may be just after Easter- early days yet.
That is it for now, Catch up just after Easter, May God bless you all. Hopey